Friday, 14 December 2012
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Preproduction- script
(Funeral bell chime marks
the beginning of the opening scene, in scene 1) The distressed weeping woman
(Evelyn) is standing clutching a flower with both hands, looking down in dismay.
The camera zooms slowly into the woman until there is a close up of her face
and she looks up at the camera.
(Funeral bell chime marks
the beginning of the shot) High angle shot of flower being held by Evelyn, the
hand is seen pulling a petal off of the flower.
(Funeral bell chime marks
the beginning of the shot)The petal is seen falling in slow motion till it
lands on the ground.
(Funeral bell chime marks
the beginning of the shot), dragging across leaves and dirt can be heard and
wind.) Lifeless pair of legs battered, bruised and cut are seen being dragged
across the forest floor until they are out of shot.
(Funeral bell chime marks
the beginning of the shot), (Funeral bell chime marks the beginning of the
shot) High angle shot of flower being held by Evelyn, the hand is seen pulling
a petal off of the flower.
(Funeral bell chime marks
the beginning of the shot)The petal is seen falling in slow motion till it
lands on the ground Into the growing pile of petals.
(Funeral bell chime marks
the beginning of the shot, wind can be heard as well as the metal hitting the
ground),a figure from the waist down can be seen shovelling a shallow grave.
(Funeral bell chime marks
the beginning of the shot), (Funeral bell chime marks the beginning of the
shot) High angle shot of flower being held by Evelyn, the hand is seen pulling
a petal off of the flower.
(Funeral bell chime marks
the beginning of the shot)The petal is seen falling in slow motion for a short
while until it superimposes over a shot of Evelyn with her eyes closed and
fades away as it falls onto the pile.
(exaggerated breathing can
be heard, heart beat can be heard and trailer theme music begins here when the
eyes open) The tired woman Evelyn is seen opening her eyes in shock, and looks
sided to side frantically.
(Rattling chains can be
heard, breathing and heart rate sound alongside the soundtrack to the trailer.)
Evelyn’s hand is chained to the bed, her hand can be seen trying to struggle free
of the chains.
(Breathing heavy can be
heard, and soundtrack dims slightly.)
Evelyn is seen sat at a
table, sat at the opposite end is a doctor. Evelyn confused asks
“Why am I here”
(Soundtrack is
still dim)
Close up of Polaroid
photos of bruised victims can be seen on the table. Doctor in a serious tone
“these are you victims, your amnesia was
brought on by the blow to the head in self-defence from one of your escaped
(Soundtrack picks up,
tears and chokes can be heard) Shot of a wound on the back of Evelyn’s head can
be seen, Evelyn touches the wound in shock of the news she has just received.
(tears and breathing can
be heard. Music dims as Evelyn speaks.)
Close up of Evelyn’s reaction,
she looks tired and bedraggled.
Evelyn shocked whispers
(Soundtrack picks up again
in this shot)
William Bates is seen
drinking alcohol, with a cigarette smoking in an ashtray, on the table in the
“You’ll be released into
the care of detective William bates, he’s assigned to care for you as well as
monitor your every move.”
William bates opens the
door abruptly and turns to Evelyn with a stern look on his face. William
“Get in the car”.
Evelyn looks at William confused by his rude
tone. William responds to this look sarcastically
“ladies first”
(Soundtrack plays alongside
video) William bates reads a newspaper, and looks up at Evelyn in annoyance.
William and Evelyn
exchange tense looks in a face off.
William says viciously
“I don’t want to be here
anymore than you want me to be here anymore than you want me to be here”
(Pick up in soundtrack.)
Close up of Evelyn looking at herself in disgust in the mirror, a frightening
figure appears in the mirror and startles Evelyn.
William (VO):
“your facade isn’t fooling
(Soundtrack continues to
William (VO):
“Give it up”
Hand drops into shot,
lifeless and bruised. Low angle close-up.
Medium close up of Evelyn
clawing her spine in distress, she looks emaciated.
Unknown figure is seen
looking over lifeless person on the ground.
Evelyn is seen throwing
pictures from her past into the river.
(Footsteps can be heard)
Flashback of a shadow
moving further into light.
(soundtrack can be heard)
Smashed medication bottles
line the floor. Pills scattered on floor. Close-up
(Banging on door can be
William is seen knocking
on the door, frantically. Evelyn is seen lying on the floor unconscious and
tired looking, makeup running and hair a mess. William then proceeds to pick
Evelyn up. Evelyn wakes up and they share a look. They are then seen holding
(gunshot noise)
Evelyn is slumped against
william, the back of willaims head can be seenand evelyn is in shot over his
Shot of an angel.
Shot of gargoyle.
Shot of face emerging from
Evelyn is seen with her
hair blowing in the wind, with flames superimposed on top.
Preproduction- Proposal
The brief I have chosen is to create a promotion package for
an upcoming film, this includes a movie trailer, and an advertising poster and
a magazine cover to promote the film.
Mirage: (set in 1958)
Evelyn wakes up with no memory, handcuffed to a bed in a
psychiatric ward; she is informed she suffered amnesia after one of her victims,
who escaped her clutches, acted in self-defence and struck her head to
incapacitate her. Evelyn is released as she is deemed immune to imprisonment as
she cannot be held responsible for crimes she cannot recall permitting, and is
released into the care of detective William bates, a blunt cynical man hardened
by the things he has seen after his years of being a detective and despised by
his colleagues for his disregard for others feelings. Haunted by flashbacks and the guilt of her
crimes, Evelyn, plagued by her past, is convinced she could never do such a
thing. She enlists the help of detective William Bates, assigned to care for
her in the search for the truth and piece together reality from fiction. During
this time, the detective, at first sceptical of her innocence, begins to fall for
her and she becomes his ‘antidote’, his redeeming quality , and believes a
woman as sweet natured and vulnerable as Evelyn could never be capable of such
brutal acts of cruelty. But is Evelyn really as innocent and sweet natured as
she seems? Or is there something dark hidden beneath her sweet, kind exterior?
Something even Evelyn herself would have never expected. Or was she simply in
the wrong place at the wrong time? The story takes an unexpected twist when the
heroine, Evelyn, who is portrayed as innocent the whole time in fact, has a
split personality, and it’s her alternate personality, ‘Ester’, who has a
sadistic agenda committing these crimes. With Evelyn slowly fading away and Ester
taking over, William struggles to find the woman he loves, and protect her from
herself. In a desperate attempt to try and help Evelyn discover the woman she
once was, William brings her to the graveyard of her first victim, and
confronts Ester, demanding she sets Evelyn free. Ester refuses William’s plea,
and promises her killing spree will continue “until the day I die.” William
sees no other option but to end her psychotic rampage; once and for all. He
shoots Ester, and Evelyn returns, if only for a moment. The pair bid farewell
as Evelyn takes her last breathes and dies in William’s arms. This is the
emotional pinnacle of the film as Williams one redeeming quality his love for
Evelyn is lost, and he is left a broken man once more.
Genre and how
my film conforms to this genre:
The genre of the film is film noir; it is associated with an
understated black and white aesthetic style influenced by the 1910-1920 German
expressionism movement that conveys a dark and dramatic mood through dynamic
shadows and lighting. The films are often set in the 1940’s 1950 and early 1960
period. The genre is normally a Hollywood crime drama. This genre of film
normally involves a femme fatale, a femme fatale is a mysterious seductive
character, who often lures men into some form of trap or dangerous situation
either intentionally or accidently. My film fits the conventions of a film noir
because it is a crime drama where a woman and the detective search for the
truth. It also fits the convention with the use of a femme fatale; in this case
Evelyn unintentionally lures the detective into a deadly situation. It also
fits in with the dramatic lighting as I plan to set the film in 1958
incorporating the black and white filming technique, and making the colours in
the scene contrast more dramatic through use of contrast between light and
dark. And using dramatic lighting. Also film noir’s classically have themes of
doom, evil, guilt which are themes that transgress into my film, doom: Doomed
love, evil: ester and her murderous personality, Guilt: Evelyn’s guilt for her
crimes. The characters are also very in keeping with film noir as my research shows that leading
males in film noir , particularly if they are a re detective are dark brooding
men with a flaw or imperfection, like my male lead “William bates”; Evelyn
classic femme fatale luring William into danger, research shows that femme
fatale’s can either intentionally lead men into danger or accidentally. Although Alfred hitch cock is not a film noir
director, I want to bring the psychological tension that he was so famed for
too my film.
Existing /similar
Directors such as Fritz Lang, Robert Siodmak,
and Michael Curtiz used a dramatically shadowed lighting style and a
psychologically expressive approach to visual composition, or mise-en-scène,
they would make some of the most famous of classic noirs. I want my film to in
keep with the film noir genre but be In a Alfred Hitchcock style, using the
psychological tension and dramatic lighting he used.
Alfred Hitchcock
stranger 1946
Aim of the
The aim is to
create a convincing film noir trailer and accompanying poster and magazine
cover to advertise it. These should incorporate the dramatically shadowed style
of film noir directors such as fritz Lang and use the psychological tone of
Alfred Hitchcock.
How well does your
product fit into the market:
I feel that
with the releases and recent success of films such as “The artist” (2011)( a
black and white silent film) and hotel noir (2012) that there has become a gap in the market and
opened a door for old fashioned cinematography, as it’s an interesting change
from modern Hollywood flicks, although it is not film noir I believe it has
opened a gap for old fashioned cinematography such as film noir. And I think
that modern day movie goers will enjoy an increase in the diversity of styles
available to watch and enjoy. Therefore my film fits quite nicely into the market,
because after “The artist’s” success, more people will want to see my film
because they feel old fashioned cinematography has proved it can still be effective.
Who is your
People who
enjoy crime dramas, and appreciate different and new filming techniques and
styles. From the ages of 18-40, more mature sophisticated audience.
What obstacles
and risks will your project undertake?
A major risk will
be making the trailer so it is distinctively film noir and not looking like a
black and white film, this can be achieved by ensuring the conventions of a
film noir is clear throughout the trailer, as my research has concluded film
noir is often described as a mood as opposed to a genre so It makes it
difficult to portray, but I feel my film had all of the dark themes and moods
that film noirs are based upon. Also it
will require a lot of dramatic lighting, so will require a lot of filming in
the drama studio with available Lighting facilities and at night, filming at
night could be a risk because it could be difficult for the camera to pick up
what is happening in the scene , so some form of lighting may be required. Also
in order for the film to be effective it must be filmed in black and white in
order to adjust the colours accordingly i.e. If blood is needed using red would
show up light on the video , but if black or dark brown is used it will appear
darker making it look more dramatic.
Another obstacle would be making sure the film is accurate to the time
period, making sure there are no modern cars or technology in the shot, or
modern clothes.
How long will
the project take schedule?
Pre-production and production will last up until November
9th 2012. After this period post production will begin and the trailer,
magazine cover and movie poster will be constructed. These should all be
completed by March 27th 2013.
Unique selling
point and tagline :
Will be “directed by Thomas coulderc” and “starring
“said actors.
Facilities- I will be using the drama studio,
because of the lighting equipment, can create the dramatic film noir effect
with the dynamic shadows.
Equipment- camera tripod, editing software.
Costume, 1950’s style clothing. Detective in
long coat, trilby hat, moustache, waistcoat blazer, classic look. Woman in floral dresses , conservatively
dressed, ester vixen classic femme fatale attire more revealing attire silk
beads well done hair red, lipstick , eyeliner.
Locations- Drama studio, street light
nightime, wollanton hall, forest, river/lake, grave yard, hospital corridor?
Audience research: Movie title:
I asked 12 peers aged 16-18 years which title they feel fits my film idea best and is the most appealing to them. And which title would make them want to see the film the most.
I asked 12 peers aged 16-18 years which title they feel fits my film idea best and is the most appealing to them. And which title would make them want to see the film the most.
- Mania - recieved 2 votes
- Insanitarium- recieved 3 votes
- Mirage- recieved 6 votes.
- Division- 2 votes.
Research- movie trailers
· Male narrator, describing story.
· More of a synopsis of a story like story telling unlike modern trailers that tease audiences by only letting them though a bit about the story. Gives away more of the story than modern trailer where footage is left to interpret by an audience.
· Shots are more continuous and long lasting, does not jump and cut as quickly as modern movie trailers do.
· Text overlay present throughout the trailer to advertise the film.
· Over dramatized trailer music a lot of organ instruments are used to create a sinister sound.
· Little dialogue.
· Again text overlay is present throughout the trailer advertising the film.
· Male narrator, dramatic exaggerated words used to describe.
· Organ music, to create sense of fear, or danger.
· Shadows and lighting is highly contrasted, femme fatale and scandal themes run throughout the trailer indicating is a film noir.
· Logos and affiliated company’s at the end of the trailer.
· Little dialogue.
· High contrast lighting and shadows, informs audience it is a film noir.
· Mise en scene such as cigarettes, ties, blazers, braces, guns, femme fatale and trilby’s indicate time zone and also of the genre of the film.
· Drum beat used in trailer opposed to traditional organ music.
· Little dialogue.
Little dialogue.
Text over lay.
Femme fatale.
Violin and organ music.
From studying these Film noir trailers I can conclude that charecteristics of an orginal film noir film trailer would be:
Gives away more of the story than modern trailer
where footage is left to interpret by an audience.
Male narrator, describing story.
Shots are more continuous and long lasting, does
not jump and cut as quickly as modern movie trailers do.
Mise en scene such as cigarettes, ties, blazers,
braces, guns, femme fatale and trilby’s indicate time zone and also of the genre
of the film.
Little dialogue.
Text overlay present throughout the trailer to
advertise the film, and dramatize it.
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