Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Research- movie trailers

                            “Woman in the window”-1944


· Male narrator, describing story.

· More of a synopsis of a story like story telling unlike modern trailers that tease audiences by only letting them though a bit about the story. Gives away more of the story than modern trailer where footage is left to interpret by an audience.

· Shots are more continuous and long lasting, does not jump and cut as quickly as modern movie trailers do.

· Text overlay present throughout the trailer to advertise the film.

· Over dramatized trailer music a lot of organ instruments are used to create a sinister sound.

· Little dialogue. 

                                       “The lost weekend”


· Again text overlay is present throughout the trailer advertising the film.

· Male narrator, dramatic exaggerated words used to describe.

· Organ music, to create sense of fear, or danger.

· Shadows and lighting is highly contrasted, femme fatale and scandal themes run throughout the trailer indicating is a film noir.

· Logos and affiliated company’s at the end of the trailer.

· Little dialogue.

                                                  The killing-1956


· High contrast lighting and shadows, informs audience it is a film noir.

· Mise en scene such as cigarettes, ties, blazers, braces, guns, femme fatale and trilby’s indicate time zone and also of the genre of the film.

· Drum beat used in trailer opposed to traditional organ music.

· Little dialogue. 

                                            I wake up screaming-1941:

      ·         High contrast light and shadows.

·         Little dialogue.

·         Text over lay.

·         Femme fatale.

·         Violin and organ music. 
      From studying these Film noir trailers I can conclude that charecteristics of an orginal film noir film trailer would be: 
·         Gives away more of the story than modern trailer where footage is left to interpret by an audience.
·         Male narrator, describing story.
·         Shots are more continuous and long lasting, does not jump and cut as quickly as modern movie trailers do.
·         Mise en scene such as cigarettes, ties, blazers, braces, guns, femme fatale and trilby’s indicate time zone and also of the genre of the film.
·         Little dialogue.
·         Text overlay present throughout the trailer to advertise the film, and dramatize it. 

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