I feel that the combination of my 3 media texts (trailer, movie poster and movie magazine) is effective. I feel there is a clear link between all three texts, and I have tried to maintain consistancy between the three.
Within my trailer and movie poster the same font "Baskerville oldface" was used in order to craete a flow between the two texts and also so that an audience can identify the text with the film and also so that the trailer and poster compliment each other and look asif they are apart of the same entity. It is a convention for movie posters and trailers to have the same text font for the movie title, so that it is easily reconised. This is why I did not use the same font on the magazine because the magazine has to all have the same font , and the font I chose was one that relflected the time period the film was made in to make sure it was clear to an auidence that the magazine was apart of the same film, I did not use the same font because it is not a convention for movie magazine to use the same font as the trailer and movie poster and instead have fonts that match the title of the magazine or the theme of that particular issue.
The most detremental element that meant my Texts all looked apart of the same entity was the imergery used I feel. All the imergery used is very dark and mysterious to inkeep with film noir conventions, and this flows through all three texts, because all three encorporate film noirs convention of having high constrast dramatic lighting to create mystery and danger. Speccial lighting was used for the magzine front cover image to ensure dramatic lighting and shadows to be very dark , but for the main charecters to have more light on them to bring them to focus, also with the movie poster features such as smoke fog and harsh lighting was used to create mystery, and the trailer was mostly filmed in a studio in order to ensure high constrast dramatic lighting was used to create the dark theme of film noir. Also The imegery with in the poster and magazine and trailer contains the same main charecters in order for an audience to identify that they are the same charecters so they know it is from the film "miarge", the charecters are also feautured within the same costume in order to ensure they are identifiable. Another important feature that meant that my ancillary products complimented my main product was the fact that they are all done in a black and white filter in order to reflect the time period it was set in (1958) and also the genre of film noir is all filmed in black and white , this is quite possibly the most important feature as without this the 3 may look as if they were from different films if they dont all have the black and white filter.
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